Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 361 commentaires et rétroaction

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Julie Dzerowicz


I want to thank you for the important work that you are doing in the federal electoral boundary redistribution.

I want to make a few very clear statements:

  • I fully support the letter that was written and submitted on behalf of the Members of Parliament for Toronto by Nathaniel Erskine Smith on October 8 2022 (Letter from Toronto MPs and Schedule A enclosed) with one small exception:
    • I agree with the proposal put forward by Caroline Bennett (Little Jamaica enclosed) to make a small amendment in order to keep the main hub of little Jamaica intact. This amendment is that the triangle bounded by Oakwood to Dufferin on Eglington Ave, Vaughan Road and Oakwood Ave move back to Toronto-St. Paul's
    • This would ensure that the riding of Toronto-St Paul's has a population of 108,021 and Davenport is at 111,090
  • Other than this tiny adjustment, I agree with the revised boundary proposal for the Davenport riding that was submitted as part of the October 8, 2022 submission by all the Members of Parliament for Toronto
  • I agree that it is imperative that Toronto maintains 25 seats in order to preserve communities of interest and the diversity of representation in our province.
    • This proposal is well thought out and honours the fact that Toronto is a city of immigrants, and whose growth is driven by international migration.
    • As the federal government dramatically increases is immigration levels, we know that most immigrants will continue to settle in Toronto
  • I also agree with the proposed new southern and eastern boundaries of Davenport as suggested by the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario. This would move all buildings and homes south of Queen Street to the Spadina-Fort York (Spadina-Harbourfront) riding.
    • These buildings are largely populated by young professionals or singles whose community of interests move between the ridings of Spadina-Fort York (Spadina-Harbourfront), University-Rosedale, and Davenport.
  • I agree with the small addition to the Davenport riding in the south-east part of the riding bounded by Dovercourt, Dundas, Ossington and Queen. It fits with the current community of interests and natural community boundaries.

Thank you again for the work you are doing on behalf of Canada.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or if I can be of service.

My very best regards,
Julie Dzerowicz
Member of Parliament Davenport

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