Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 373 commentaires et rétroaction

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Eric Angelini

I made a presentation to the Commission (virtually) on October 19, 2022 with respect to the Ridings of:
Eglinton-Lawrence and York Centre.

I have submitted these written notes to further supplement my statements and provide more information to the Commission.

I would be happy to further participate and discuss proposed changes and the effects of altered boundaries if such an opportunity is available.

Otherwise, please accept the written submissions attached with this message.

Thank you for the chance to participate and thank you to the Commission for all of your hard work.

Eric Angelini


To: The Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario (2022) (hereafter the "Commission")

I am providing these written submissions to further support my virtual presentation to the Commission made on October 19, 2022 between 2 and 4pm.

I wish to speak about the proposed ridings of Eglinton-Lawrence and York Centre.

I have personally canvassed both of these ridings over the last 30 years at all three levels of government. I certainly know the make up of the various areas of the ridings and the changes and developments which have occurred in both areas over those many decades.

I make this presentation as a Private Citizen who wishes to see good government via good and logical elected representation. It makes sense to group communities with common areas of parkland, community centers, schools, shopping centers and "travel to and from work" under one riding.

Respecting the Proposed Boundaries for Eglinton-Lawrence:

I fully support the proposed new boundaries for the Riding of "Eglinton-Lawrence."

That is: Bounded to the north by Highway 401, to the west by Black Creek Drive, to the south by (the north side of) Eglinton Avenue West, and to the east by Avenue Road.

I believe that the Commission has proposed a good new set of boundaries for Eglinton-Lawrence.

I disagree with several of the comments made at various "virtual" presentations which suggest that the communities around Keele Street have "nothing in common" with the communities around Avenue Road. I believe that the new proposed boundaries accurately capture areas which smoothly transition into one another. The area between Black Creek Drive and Caledonia Road, for example, shares things in common with the area between Caledonia Road and the Allen Road. In turn, that area shares things in common with the area between the Allen Road and Avenue Road. The three areas smoothly transition into each other and there are many more similarities between the three areas than differences.

In short: I fully support the Commission's proposed new boundaries for the riding of Eglinton-Lawrence, and I believe that a very good set of boundaries has been selected.

Respecting the Proposed Boundaries for York Centre:

I strongly disagree with the proposed new boundaries for York Centre. I believe a very great mistake is about to be made in setting Keele Street as the "western boundary" for the new proposed riding.

The most noteworthy reference point for the Riding of York Center is "Downsview Park" which occupies the lands which were once the former Canadian Forces Base Toronto and the Bombardier (formerly De Havilland) Aircraft manufacturing center with accompanying runway (sometime referred to as "Downsview Airport".) The current and future development and re-development of Downsview Park, the former CFB Toronto, the Bombardier Plant and runway, for better or for worse, will directly impact the residents which live in the immediate vicinity of Downsview Park. Therefore, it would make good sense to keep the boundaries of York Center squarely centered on Downsview Park with at least one major street on either side of the park included under the same riding. This would mean setting Jane Steet as the western boundary and Bathurst Street as the eastern boundary for as far north as possible starting from the southern boundary at Highway 401.

I would therefore strongly recommend leaving the boundaries of York Centre unchanged and as they existed in 2021. That is, set Highway 401 as the southern boundary, set Jane Street up to Sheppard Avenue West as the western boundary, then east along Sheppard Ave. West to the Black Creek (river), then North to Grandravine Drive, then east to Keele Street, north to Steeles Ave. West, east to Bathurst Street and then south to the intersection with the West Branch of the Don River and then following the West Don River valley south-easterly to the 401.

It would make sense for this area which will experience the good and bad effects of the development of the Downsview lands to be contained within one riding with one Federal M.P., one Provincial M.P.P, and one Toronto City Councillor to which all the people can address their grievances and support for the ongoing changes. If you divide the areas on either side of the Downsview Lands between representatives, this will only lead to "finger pointing" and passing the "blame" between neighbouring representatives without anything "getting done." That would be a "miscarriage of democracy" which would result from poor boundary planning.

Therefore, I strongly urge the Commission to preserve the boundaries for York Center as they are currently set based on the 2021 Federal Election.

Thank you.
Eric Angelini

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