Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 380 commentaires et rétroaction

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Gerry Phillips

Honourable Justice Leitch and commissioners:

I am writing to urge 2 changes in the proposal of the committee.

My name is Gerry Phillips and I have been active in the Agincourt community for 55 years. I was elected to the Scarborough Board of Education in 1969 and served for 11 years — - 4 as Chair. I was Chair of Scarborough General Hospital for 4 years in the 80's. I was the Provincial Member of the Ontario Legislature for Agincourt for 24 years until 2011. I think I have a good feel for the community.

I believe it very important to make 2 changes.

  1. Maintain Victoria Park as the boundary. You will find the vast number of community

    services are based on this boundary. Built over decades — — health care,

    schools ,community services, coordination among 3 levels of government etc.

    This is real and important — - it is what gives people a sense of belonging. The proposal to move the boundary would represent the start of fragmenting them. Don't underestimate the negative long term impact of this move

  2. Maintain the current number of members from Scarborough. Other submissions have spelled out the case for this and proposed how it might be done. I support their efforts and would urge the Commission to find a solution.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my views.

All the best — - yours truly — - Gerry Phillips

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