Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 385 commentaires et rétroaction

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Han Dong MP, Don Valley North

Electoral Boundary Commission (Ontario)
PO Box 37018 Southdale
London, Ontario, N6E 3T3

Re: Electoral Boundary Changes (Don Valley North)

Dear Commissioners,

Thank you once again for the time and effort you and your team have dedicated in assembling the proposed boundaries, and for providing the public with the opportunity to provide their feedback,

As mentioned in my oral deputation on Oct 19th, 2022, at the Toronto Reference Library, I would like to reaffirm my strong support for the proposal submitted by the Toronto Caucus to maintain 25 electoral districts in the City of Toronto.

Regarding the proposed changes for Don Valley North, I have received significant feedback and concerns from individual constituents and community groups from across the riding:

In the western portion of our riding, our local resident's group, the Bayview Village Association (BVA), have raised their concerns regarding the use of the Don River as a potential boundary. If the commission proceeds to use the Don River as a new boundary, as opposed to the current boundary of Bayview Avenue, it will create a division within the ecologically sensitive ravine network surrounding the Don River and sever the Alamosa neighbourhood from the BVA. At present, the entire portion of the Don River and its corresponding trails and creeks are all within Don Valley North. This has enabled our community to work with one united voice to advocate for the protection and improvement of the watershed. The advancements our community have made protecting the ravine has been significant but dividing it in two would put that work at risk.

On the eastern portion of Don Valley North, the present boundary is Victoria Park Avenue. This division line reflects the historic municipal boundaries of North York and Scarborough. But in addition to a long and respected history, Victoria Park Avenue also serves as the Community Council boundary used for local decision making, the delivery of municipal services, community health services, and the Police Division boundaries separating 33 and 42 divisions respectively.

In addition, there are also very distinct and equally important newcomer groups on both sides of Victoria Park which rely on many of the services and supports mentioned above. The proposal to use Pharmacy and Warden as the new eastern boundary for Don Valley North would not only disregard the historic North York/Scarborough boundary, but it would also confuse and disrupt the allocation and coordination of many essential services relied on by the local community.

Overall, there is a tight variance in the numbers, and I cannot help but notice that when comparing the proposed boundaries and the old one, the numbers remain approximately the same in Don Valley North. As such, it's hard for residents to not feel that they, their communities, and historic ties, are simply collateral damage in an approach to eliminate an Electoral District from Toronto. I would strongly urge the commission to not use the Don River in this area as a division line and keep Bayview Village as part of Don Valley North while also respecting the historic municipal boundary of Victoria Park which serves to organize so many important services and supports residents rely on every day.

I would like to conclude by once again reiterating my support for the 25 riding proposal submitted in writing to the commission by the Toronto Caucus.


Han Dong MP
Don Valley

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