Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 387 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

J. Gould

typed from handwritten letter

October 7, 2022

Jean Yip, M.P.
3195 Sheppard Ave E.
Suite 201
Scarborough, ON M1T 3K1

Re: Changes for Scarborough-Agincourt

I am not able Email or go online with my comments, since I do not have a computer nor a cell phone, hence my writing to you.

I do not want to see Scarborough-Agincourt become part of North York. The better part of my life has been spent in this area (I'm in my 90's), have had very good health care, both with my family doctor & at Scarborough Grace Hospital (SHN Birchmount R. Hosp), & I know there are other seniors services available should I require them. To lose all or any part of this would be a travesty!

Remember how the Pandemic took so many lives because people with "power" (Doug Ford, for one), would not listen to the experts or the people, well, this proposal will kill so many small communities within Scarborough-Agincourt – residents, businesses, schools, medical facilities, & so much more. There is a lot I would like to say, but enough for now.

please do not let this proposal happen!

J. Gould

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