Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 392 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jane Veit

September 25, 2022

Ms. Paula Puddy
Commission Secretary
Federal Election Boundaries Commissioner for Ontario
P.O Box 37018 Southdale
London, ON N6E 3T3

Re: Riding Redistribution – Scarborough, Ontario

Dear Ms. Puddy,

Please accept the following as my contribution to what I hope are many well-considered suggestions to ensure the ongoing democratic representation of citizens and their local communities across this great Province of Ontario.

First off, here is a bit of information about myself: I am currently a resident in the Riding of Scarborough - Rouge Park within the community of Highland Creek and have lived in Scarborough since 1982. I have a degree in Environmental Studies and am a retired analyst most recently working for a conservation authority. Prior to that I was Manager of Research and Tax Analysis for a property tax consulting firm. I like to consider myself an active committed member of our local community. I appreciate this opportunity to add to the discussions surrounding the proposed non-partisan changes to the Riding of Scarborough-Rouge Park and Scarborough in general.

I can appreciate and strongly support the "representation by population" for the equal distribution of voters within Federal and Provincial Ridings across this great and diverse Province as well as Municipal Wards, which in the case of Toronto, also follow this format. I also understand that the intent of the exercise it to ensure that the number of residents represented in each riding is "roughly the same". I also understand that the commission must also consider other social, and geographic factors, respect communities of interest or identity and historical patterns of previous electoral boundaries.

What I can't support as a citizen of the current riding of Scarborough Rouge Park and more importantly as a citizen and voter in the Scarborough Community Council area of the City of Toronto is the fact that the proposed changes to riding boundaries will basically demolish the boundaries of Scarborough as a unique diverse community and limit the voice of our community on a wider scale.

There is so much talk and lamenting about the lack of voter turnout over the course of the last few elections. Pandemic fatigue, lack of trust in our institutions perhaps have contributed. Articles are being written in various media including the Toronto Star and the New York Times about democracy being in decline. Here are some quotes from a recent article by Alex Ballingall of the Toronto Star: "people seek community and people seek purpose – and political life is not giving much of either right now". [Peter MacLeod, principal and founder of the pro-democracy organization, MassLBP] MacLeod goes on to say "Democracy is an expansive project. If it isn't expanding the rights, the agency, the voice available to people, it stalls out."

The point I am trying to make is that careful consideration is needed to engage voters within a community-based model. The proposal to readjust the boundaries of Scarborough including removing the section west of Warden Avenue to what is known as the hard border of the community at Victoria Park Avenue does nothing to help us support a sense of collective community. To reduce Scarborough's ridings from 6 representatives to 5 limits the voices of our diverse and unique community. We are all struggling to regain a sense of community and common purpose after 2-½+ years of pandemic fatigue, attacks on democracy everywhere and a sense that politicians are not to be trusted. The role of the commission should be to ensure that democracy continues to thrive in this country and in Scarborough by preserving and strengthen community-based ridings and to let all voters know that their voice, their community matters. We all have a lot of work to do. Let's build on the strengths we have and adjust the boundaries only when it makes sense.

Thank you for your consideration.

Jane Veit

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