Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 401 commentaires et rétroaction

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Raffy Chouljian

I would like to start by acknowledging the work done by the commission. I have read some of your report and understand and support the logic of your recommendations.

However, communities are more than simple mathematical calculations. I have lived in "Toronto" almost my entire life. I have lived and worked in Scarborough for almost 40 years. Scarborough is my home. I visit Toronto like any other tourist. Toronto has become so large and impersonal. It is so important to maintain "communities".

Over ten years ago, the Rotary Clubs in Scarborough started a campaign to improve the image of Scarborough. We have been very successful. Changing the borders of the electoral districts will not change our community. It will make it harder to maintain and grow. We need our politicians at every level of government to represent us as Scarborough.

Unfortunately, I do not have any solutions that will appease everyone. I would accept reducing the number of Scarborough electoral districts, however, maintain our historical boundaries. Perhaps go back to the electoral districts we had prior to the last redistribution. I understand that all Scarborough electoral districts will have a higher population than the Quota of 116,590. Personally, this would be better than the current proposal of having parts of Scarborough in two North York electoral districts.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in this exercise,

Raffy Chouljian

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