Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 68 commentaires et rétroaction

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Karen Yukich

Hello. I live in this riding but not in the Parkdale portion. Nevertheless, I find it disturbing to see the long-standing name of Parkdale removed from the riding name. I understand the rationale for introducing Indigenous names. But it should not be done in a way that disrespects the importance of a neighbourhood with a lot of history and a lot of heart.

I'm not clear on what location Taiaiako'n refers to - there is a Google entry for Teiaiagon that refers to the Humber, so I assume it's meant to refer to the western portion of the riding. (The spelling you are proposing seems to be mostly used by a small local group that put forward the idea of burial mounds in High Park that were never validated.)

I therefore recommend that you consider a three-part name that includes Parkdale, High Park and a well-recognized version of an Indigenous name (preferably with some guidance on how to pronounce it!)

Thank you.

Karen Yukich

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