Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 77 commentaires et rétroaction

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Pamela Cook

I am a homeowner on xxxxxx in the area of Scarborough that is being considered by the city to become North York!!

Our family have lived in this area since 1958.

We have always been a part of this community and exceptionally PROUD of it.

We have always been involved in our community. Our children have attended schools here in this area.

We have been involved in Community events, our Churches are here.. and all in this good and solid part of Scarborough!!

Many in our community still call ourselves Scarborough/Agincourt..It would be a HUGE mistake to force our loyal community which is an excellent part of Scarborough to become North York..

DON'T even consider doing this. Please!!!


Pamela Cook & family

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