Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 90 commentaires et rétroaction

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Mark Spangers Christina Jane Bright

Subject: Western Boundary of Proposed Scarborough-Northwest Riding

To whom it may concern,

We are writing regarding the western boundary of the proposed Scarborough-Northwest riding.

We live in the Scarborough community, in Toronto, Ontario in the area north of Highway 401 and between Victoria Park Ave. and Warden Ave. Our current riding is Scarborough-Agincourt, with the western boundary of the riding running along Victoria Park Ave.

The area where we live is within the historical City of Scarborough and is part of the broader Scarborough community. We live within this community and consider ourselves as part of it. Under the proposed redistribution, representation for our area would be moved to another area and would no longer be represented with the rest of the Scarborough community. However, we would like to be represented with the rest of the current and historical Scarborough community.

We also understand and note that the western boundary of the historical City of Scarborough in this area was along Victoria Park Ave.

We request that the western boundary of any new riding in this area be maintained along Victoria Park Ave, as is the case with the current Scarborough-Agincourt riding, and that our area be represented with other parts of northern Scarborough.


Mark Spanjers & Christina Jane Bright

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