Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 95 commentaires et rétroaction

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Leslie Lane

I believe that an electoral redistricting need not confuse issues even more with name changes, especially in the the case of the Toronto district "Parkdale -High Park".

Parkdale is a long standing neighbourhood in Toronto and that needs to be respected. It is a neighbourhood that has seen and continues to see many changes but I believe that the history of the neighbour should not just be wiped away with the stroke of a pen.

I have looked at the information available on the redistricting website, such as it is. There is no explanation as to why the name Parkdale is to be eliminated and no explanation as to what the new name Taiaiako'n means and its significance to the area. I am assuming it has an Indigenous significance but that needs to be explained in an obvious place on your website.

Thank You,

Leslie Lane

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