Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 19 commentaires et rétroaction

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Rob Giugovaz & Rose Giugovaz

First -- I wish to express -- living at xxxxxxx Rd --which is Kingston, I am not part of Kingston and the islands for elections.


  • I pay all my property taxes to the City of Kingston
  • I have all Services, Fire, Police,Waste removal, Snow Removal, Ambulance , Hospitals,Schools, and workplace in the City of Kingston.
  • I spend my economic contributions to the service providers and retail network in Kingston
  • My enter social network - family and work is with in the City limits of Kingston
  • I have live all my electoral life in the City of Kingston - and all property I have lived in is in the boundaries of City of Kingston

Yet I cannot vote or be included in the riding of Kingston and the Islands? BUT EVERYTHING THAT happens Municipal, Provincial and Federal impacts my by the voter that are in that Riding Currently?- I have no say who will represent me yet my neighbour less than 5km away do? As a resident I should have access to my MP by public transportation and not rely on a vehicle to drive 60 or 90 minutes away ? Services supported by the MP Office need to be accessible and reflect the community I live in which is Kingston .

Who is really looking at boundaries and making the decisions when they do not live here themselves or understand the impact to the residents?

I have nothing to do with Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott or Leeds or Athens or Perth etc. I rarely even visit or drive through these locations.

Only good part of the proposed boundary changes is that my Address is proposed to be part of Kingston and the Island finally!!

BUT it should not be part of Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott- MY next MP would not have any shared services to oversee to represent both all these areas - not sure how why we would be lumped together?

Sincerely and thank you

Rob & Rose Giugovaz

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