Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 24 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tina White & Dan White

I live within the city of Kingston boundaries and the proposed boundary of Gananoque-Brockville does not represent my interests in any way. I should be part of the Kingston and Islands electoral boundary for the following reasons;

  1. My policing and fire services come from the City of Kingston.
  2. My social programs, cultural activities as well as my economic spending are all centered around the Ciy of Kingston.
  3. My municipal taxes are paid to the City of Kingston.
  4. My travel distance to a constituency office in Kingston is within 10km versus 50-90km for Gananoque or Brockville.

Again, I should be part of the Kingston and Island electoral boundary as this would be a true representation of my interests; the proposed change to Gananoque-Brockville boundary does not represent any of my interests.

Thank you for considering my input.

Tina and Dan White

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