Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 29 commentaires et rétroaction

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Les documents ci-dessous sont affichés dans la langue officielle d'origine tels qu'ils ont été reçus.

Peter Hicks

I am writing to express my displeasure with the proposed changes to the electoral boundaries in my area. Kingston and the Islands. My interests do not align at all with Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott. For example I share police and fire services with Kingston, my social, cultural, and economic activity all center around Kingston (not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott).

In addition to this I share police, fire and other emergency services with Kingston. My property taxes are paid to the City of Kingston, not not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott.

I order to visit my constituency office I only have to drive 10kms currently. A move would involve a drive of almost 100kms to an area I am unfamiliar with to see people unfamiliar with my area and issues.


Peter Hicks

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