Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 35 commentaires et rétroaction

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Roberta Houghton

I am writing to express my opinions on the possible upcoming changes to the electoral boundaries of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston. I am a resident of Countryside, the municipal district just north of the 401 in Kingston, Ontario. For several years, our area has been lumped in with the communities of Perth and Carleton Place to the north of us. Trust me when I say we have nothing in common with the residents of Perth and Carleton Place. We pay our taxes to the city of Kingston, our grandchild attends school in the Kingston area, we use library and community services in Kingston, we rely on fire, police and ambulance services out of Kingston, all our shopping is done in Kingston, and our social circle comprises mostly Kingston residents. We are Kingstonians!! I hear that our area is now under consideration for a change of boundary and that the commission is looking at grouping us with Gananoque, Brockville, and Prescott, rather than joining us with Kingston and the Islands. If this happens, we will once again be on the fringes, with a federal MP that barely knows we exist. (One only needs to look at the Prison Farm issue of several years ago to see the great divide in interests between the north and south of our riding.)

We have no common interests with the citizens of Brockville and Prescott. Please take a good look at your map, and consider drawing the boundary using the current county boundaries between Leeds and the Thousand Islands and Kingston. Anything south of Burnt Hills Road and west of Boundary Road/Taylor Road should become a part of the riding of Kingston and the Islands. It is where we belong!


Roberta Houghton

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