Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 45 commentaires et rétroaction

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Chantal Chiddle

Currently I reside in Glenburnie in the Rural part of the CIty of Kingston. I pay Municipal taxes to the City of Kingston. My property originally fell into the Kingston and the Islands riding for Federal and Provincial ridings. A few years ago our hamlet was moved into the riding of Lanark - Frontenac and Kingston. This riding stretches North to close to Ottawa. We have not been well served by the Members of Parliament of this riding. The riding offices are many kilometers away, encompassing a large agricultural area with limited Urban centres. The needs of most of that riding do not reflect the needs of Glenburnie residents.

The current proposal to move our area into a new riding that includes Brockville Gananoque and Prescott does not align with my needs as a resident of Kingston nor that of my neighbours.

I believe our community is better served and has been served well in the past by the Members of Parliament for Kingston and the Islands.

To highlight - Glenburnie has this in common with Kingston:

  1. We share police and fire services with Kingston.
  2. My households social, cultural, and economic activity all centers around Kingston/Glenburnie (not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott).
  3. My Children currently attend or did attend schools in Kingston
  4. I pay property taxes to the City of Kingston (not Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott).
  5. That the average distance to the constituency office would be 10 km in Kingston versus 90 km in Brockville.

All of this leads me to send this note to you to indicate it is time to put all Kingston residents back in the Riding of Kingston and the Islands.


Chantal Chiddle

on behalf of myself, my spouse Neil Hubbard and my 2 children Viola and Lucas

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