Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 48 commentaires et rétroaction

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Milton Borenko

I live in the Lanark Frontenac Kingston riding which displaced us from the Kingston and Islands riding.

Since I live in the most southern region of this riding we really have very little in common with the rest of this region.

In fact l have never had any contact with the provincial or federal politicians during either elections.

During the last provincial election campaign I had to drive to Carleton Place to meet the liberal candidate...she was not coming south to meet me.

Many individuals were very surprised during this last provincial election that our representative was not Ted Hsu.

Your latest proposal that we become aligned with Gananoque -Brockville-Prescott is totally inappropriate.

May l suggest that our interests center with the city of Kingston.

For example:

We share police and fire services with Kingston.

My social, cultural ,and economic activities are in Kingston.

I pay property taxes to the City of Kingston

The garbage and snow removal is also a city responsibility.

My medical needs are met there too.

Let me conclude with these last words.

You are asking the voting public with little in common with your regional change to feel politically represented.

We should be rejoined with the Kingston and the Islands riding because it is a suburban area of Kingston and all our

Services are here not Km away.

If l am to have a vote in politics l want it be near to be heard.

Milton Borenko

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