Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 52 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jeff Wylie

I am writing to offer my viewpoint in the matter of Mark Gerretson soliciting the rural residents to petition for the redrawing of the electoral boundaries to include the rural portion of Kingston to be included in his riding. I live in that area and I do not wish to be in his riding. My objection is not to him personally, it is to being absorbed by an urban area where rural residents are ignored.

As a city resident I pay city taxes yet get rural services. Taxes are far less in the adjoining townships. We pay for the City police but no one ever sees them. I grocery shop in Gananoque because it is closer. I went for ice cream last night, again in Gananoque because it is closer. When my son played competitive hockey he played in Gananoque. He attended school at Kingston Mills (Holy Name). Some of his class playmates played hockey in the next township. Hockey boundaries are not based on municipalities.

The rural residents of Kingston have one councillor. One voice in twelve. This may have nothing to do with federal electoral boundaries, but it illustrates what happens to rural concerns when we are swallowed up by large urban areas - we are ignored.

I have already sent my concerns to Mr. Gerretson's office. The office did provide this link. Yet the examples provided by the office supporting his position referenced people they heard from in Glenburine, a suburban area of the city. This demonstrates just how out of touch the MP and his staff are when they think suburban areas are rural. Doesn't bode well for the many farmers who live here.

I thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Jeff Wylie

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