Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 56 commentaires et rétroaction

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Carolyn Sowerby

I wish to submit my comments regarding the proposed new riding boundaries for Kingston and the Islands.

The proposal is illogical and leaves a large number of constituents without proper representation in Parliament. To cut off the Kingston riding at the highway (despite the City boundary being 8 km or more from the 401) and attach those city residents to a city almost 90 km away defies reason.

Those who live North of the 401 pay City taxes and live their lives in Kingston. They use Kingston fire and police services. They work and spend their money in Kingston.

Their interests (social, cultural, political) are aligned with Kingston and not Brockville or Prescott. There is no chance that an MP covering that region will serve the needs of a small number of Kingston residents who live an hour away, when the majority of their constituents live in Leeds and surrounding area.

We have nothing in common with that riding and this whole thing is absurd. Kingston residents (all of them) should be in the Kingston riding.

Thank you,

Carolyn Sowerby

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