Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 5 commentaires et rétroaction

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Carmel Cartile

I live on radage rd immediately north of 401 (1 km west of westbrook rd). 5 min from Kingston's biggest mall. We once were part of kingston but 10 years ago you decided we would be better served voting in carleton riding which is 126 KMS away. I have never voted since; I have no idea what candidates are in that district. Now I understand you want to move us to brockville which is 85 kms away. I have no intention of voting in that riding either. I know Kingston mayor and councillors, why shouldn't I have the choice of wanting to vote for someone I know. We do our shopping in kingston, go to church in kingston. We get our services ie fire, police, garbage, snow removal from Kingston AND we pay kingston taxes.

I ask you to rethink your plan and return us to Kingston riding which is only 10 kms away.

Thank you for your consideration

Carmel Cartile

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