Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 60 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ryan Curzon

I'm writing with regards to the redistribution of the area between Elginburg and Kingston and the Islands.

Prior to the 2013 redistribution, this area being part of the Kingston riding served its residents well. People in this area pay property taxes to the City of Kingston, they access health, emergency and Service Canada services in Kingston, most work in Kingston and they have easy access to the Kingston MP's constituency office. The 2013 redistribution that made this area part of the Frontenac Lanark Kingston riding only served to disenfranchise these residents as they were now part of an area they had no previous connection with and had to drive over an hour to access their MP's constituency office.

The proposal to include this area in a Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott riding would repeat this mistake. Residents would have few economic or cultural ties to the area and they would still need to drive about an hour to access their MP's office in Brockville. Instead, I urge you to take the opportunity to right this historical wrong and do what's best for these residents by making them part of the Kingston and the Islands riding once again.

Thank you,

Ryan Curzon

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