Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 66 commentaires et rétroaction

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Kendra Pople-Easton

Please be advised that I absolutely DO NOT wish to have our boundaries changed from Kingston to Brockville or Prescott.

I wish to point out that:

  • I pay taxes to The City of Kingston - not Brockville or Prescott.
  • All of my shopping/Doctors/Dentist are in Kingston - not Brockville or Prescott.
  • When I call 911 - it is the Kingston Police Force I know and trust will be there for me. Both the Police and Fire Departments are located less than 10 km from my home.
  • Our garbage pick up and snow removal is the City of Kingston - not Brockville or Prescott.
  • Our Kingston constituency office is located less than 10 km from my home rather than a 90 km drive in Brockville.

I feel this is an absolutely ridiculous proposal and hereby request that we remain in the Kingston and the Islands federal riding boundary.


Kendra Pople-Easton

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