Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

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Marie Gutherie

My name is Marie Guthrie and I live in Elginburg Ontario. It has brought to my attention that the government is again thinking about changing the federal electoral boundaries. It does not make any sense to me why we would be included in any other area other than Kingston and the Islands. We pay City of Kingston Taxes, therefore we are Kingston. We also share the policing, fire and EMT service in the Kingston area. We use the Kingston Hospitals, the areas and all sorts of services in Kingston. It really upset us a few years back when we need to see our MP and he was based out of Carlton Place. It makes absolutely no sense when we are a 10 minute drive to the Kingston and the Island MP office in Kingston!

I do not want to be part of the newly proposed Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott boundary nor do I wish to be part of the current Lanark boundary. I strongly want to be part of the Kingston and the Island boundary. That's where I live. And where I can be best represented.

Please include us in the Kingston and the Island boundary.

Marie & Jim Guthrie

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