Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 78 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jim and Jean Connolly

Dear Sirs & Madam:

Neither my husband, Jim, nor myself, are happy that the intention is to align our riding of Kingston & The Islands with the communities of Gananoque-Brockville and Prescott. We have nothing in common with these ridings.

We pay our hard-earned taxes to the City of Kingston for our transportation, fire and police services, garbage pickup, use of our many nature spaces, schools, hospitals, etc., etc., and would not have anything in common with Gan/Bro/Pre!

Don't know who came up with this crazy idea, which makes it so much harder for our members of parliament to keep in touch with us and to be very much aware of our needs. Just the matter of distance, puts us at an extreme disadvantage!! As older citizens, we like to keep things simple!!

Please consider all of these concerns, plus many more from our side!

We have been very, very happy with Mark Gerretsen as our member of Parliament over the past years and having him nearby is a plus!!

Thank you for your consideration of these thoughts.

Jim & Jean Connolly

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