Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 79 commentaires et rétroaction

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Tanya and Jeff Rexe

I'm writing today to ask that you please reconsider making the Glenburnie, Inverary and South Frontenac area apart of the electoral area with Gananoque, Brockville and Prescott.

It doesn't make one bit of sense when we share police, fire and ambulance service with Kingston.

Our social, cultural, and economic activity centers around Kingston. We rarely travel to Gananoque, let alone Brockville or Prescott. Making our constituency office 90kms is absolutely absurd!

We pay property taxes to the city of Kingston, so unless you're going to lessen those, what purpose does it serve to have us lumped in with a riding so far away?

Please consider this request.

Thank you,

Tanya and Jeff Rexe

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