Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 82 commentaires et rétroaction

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Rodger Compton

I have lived east of the Rideau river since 1990. For the past 7 years we have lived 6km northeast of 401 off highway 15. We have been part of Kingston since the former Pittsburgh township amalgamation in 1997. A proposed electoral riding stretching from Prescott to Kingston is too encompassing. All our economic activities are based out of Kingston as well as social and cultural activities.

We live 9.9 km from two Kingston fire halls. Police services are also shared with Kingston. Property taxes are paid to the city of Kingston. Mark Gerretsen has an office 13km from my home. Brockville offices are 63km from home.

Kingston electoral boundaries should include our area north east of the 401.

Thank you.

Rodger Compton

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