Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 103 commentaires et rétroaction

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James Thompson, Deputy Clerk of the Township of South Frontenac

Memo: Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 – Township of South Frontenac Resolution

At the Township of South Frontenac meeting of Council held on October 11, 2022, the following resolution was approved:

"Whereas the Township of South Frontenac is a lower-tier municipality within the County of Frontenac comprised of the following four (4) wards; Bedford, Loughborough, Portland and Storrington; and

Whereas the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac along with the Township of Central Frontenac and the Township of North Frontenac are presently located in the Federal Electoral District of Lanark – Frontenac – Kingston;

Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the Township of South Frontenac do not support the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 proposal which intends to divide a portion of the Township (Bedford Ward) from the balance of the Township between two Federal Electoral Districts, with the majority of the Township in the Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott, Federal Electoral District respectively and the Bedford Ward in the Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District; and

That the Council of South Frontenac strongly request that the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac be included in the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure all Township of South Frontenac residents are represented in one Electoral riding; and

That the Council of the Township of South Frontenac recommends that the Commission consider that the entirety of the "northern" portion of the County of Frontenac (South Frontenac, Central Frontenac and North Frontenac Townships) be included in the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure cohesiveness amongst the "northern" Frontenac Townships; and

That the County of Frontenac be requested to support the Township of South Frontenac's recommendations to the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022; and

That a copy of this resolution and report be provided to the County of Frontenac, Central Frontenac Township, North Frontenac Township, the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022, and Scott Reid, Member of Parliament, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston; and

That Council direct the CAO to represent the Township of South Frontenac at the virtual hearing hosted by the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario on November 2, 2022."

A copy of the associated report is attached to the memo. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you.

James Thompson,
Deputy Clerk
Township of South Fontenac

Township of South Frontenac Staff Report

To: Council
Prepared by: Office of the Clerk
Date of Meeting: October 11, 2022
Subject: Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022


The purpose of the Report is to provide Council with background information regarding the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022. Additionally, the Report provides a proposed recommendation related to this matter for consideration by Council.


Whereas the Township of South Frontenac is a lower-tier municipality within the County of Frontenac comprised of the following four (4) wards; Bedford, Loughborough, Portland and Storrington; and

Whereas the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac along with the Township of Central Frontenac and the Township of North Frontenac are presently located in the Federal Electoral District of Lanark – Frontenac – Kingston;

Therefore Be It Resolved That the Council of the Township of South Frontenac do not support the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 proposal which intends to divide a portion of the Township (Bedford Ward) from the balance of the Township between two Federal Electoral Districts, with the majority of the Township in the Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott, Federal Electoral District respectively and the Bedford Ward in the Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District;

And That the Council of South Frontenac strongly request that the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac be included in the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure all Township of South Frontenac residents are represented in one Electoral riding;

And Further That the Council of the Township of South Frontenac recommends that the Commission consider that the entirety of the "northern" portion of the County of Frontenac (South Frontenac, Central Frontenac and North Frontenac Townships) be included in the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District to ensure cohesiveness amongst the "northern" Frontenac Townships;

And Further That the County of Frontenac be requested to support the Township of South Frontenac's recommendations to the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022;

And Further That a copy of this resolution and report be provided to the County of Frontenac, Central Frontenac Township, North Frontenac Township, the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022, and Scott Reid, Member of Parliament, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston; and

And Further That Council direct the CAO to represent the Township of South Frontenac at the virtual hearing hosted by the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario on November 2, 2022.


At the September 20, 2022 Council meeting, staff were directed to register the Township of South Frontenac as a participant in the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 hearings to allow for the Township to address proposed revisions to Federal Electoral Districts with the understanding that Council would provide further direction regarding this matter.

Subsequently, at the October 4, 2022 Council meeting, Council waived the procedural rules related to Section 6. Clause a. of By-law 2017-16 to permit Council to deliberate on a Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Revill and Councillor Sleeth regarding Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022. Council approved a motion which read as follows:

"That staff be directed to prepare a report for the October 11, 2022 Council meeting which includes mapping and an associated recommendation regarding the proposed Township of South Frontenac submission to the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario - Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022; and

That Township of South Frontenac staff brief County of Frontenac staff regarding the Township of South Frontenac position regarding the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022."


Presently, the entirety of South Frontenac Township (along with Central Frontenac and North Frontenac Townships) are located within the Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston Federal Electoral District. The following map in Table 1 outlines the current boundary of the Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, Federal Electoral District.

The current boundary arrangement is beneficial from a regional economic development perspective as the "northern" portion of the County of Frontenac can undertake a proactive approach when working with the federal government on rural development initiatives.

Additionally, the current arrangement is much more effective for the "northern" townships as well as the County of Frontenac to be able liaise with one member of parliament when pursuing grants and funding opportunities which are critical for rural economic development as well as community building. Furthermore, the current Federal Electoral District boundary allows all residents of the Township of South Frontenac to be represented by a single member of federal parliament.

Table 1 – Current Electoral Boundaries for Lanark Frontenac-Kingston

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

Under the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario was established on November 1, 2021 to undertake the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022. Additional information regarding this matter can be found on the Federal Electoral Districts Redistribution 2022 website.

Table 2 depicts the Federal Electoral Districts as proposed by the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario. (Proposed amendments are outlined in purple)

The Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario has proposed that the majority of South Frontenac Township with the exception Bedford Ward be re-assigned to the proposed Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott, Federal Electoral District. While the aforementioned Bedford Ward is proposed to be included in the Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District.

Table 2 – Proposed changest to Federal Electorial Districts – 2022

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

As previously outlined in the Report, it is reasonable to surmise that the proposed Federal Electoral Districts are not beneficial to the Township of South Frontenac. As such, it is suggested that the Council of the Township of South Frontenac urge the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario to consider amending the proposed Federal Electoral Districts to include the entirety of the Township of South Frontenac in the Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District.

It is further suggested that the Township of South Frontenac Council request that the County of Frontenac Council reiterate to the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario the importance of the entirety of South Frontenac Township as well as Central Frontenac and North Frontenac Townships remaining in the same Federal Electoral District (Lanark-Frontenac).

The following map outlines visually suggested alternatives boundaries to the proposed Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District. (Proposed amendments from the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario are depicted in purple while suggested revisions proposed by the Township of South Frontenac are outlined in red.)

Table 3 – Potentential alternative Federal Electorial Districts – 2022

Image shows a map that is described in the written part of the submission.

As illustrated in the map above, it is suggested that the south-west boundary of the Lanark-Frontenac, Federal Electoral District be amended by relocating the proposed horizonal boundary which approximately intersects Frontenac Provincial Park as well as Verona (Bedford Ward – Loughborough Ward Border) to coincide with the southern and south-east boundary of the Township of South Frontenac (as outlined in the above map by the red line).

Provided that the Council approves a resolution regarding this matter, it is proposed that a written submission be provided to the Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario. Additionally, it is suggested that the Chief Administrative Office provide an oral submission at the November 2, 2022 Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario hearing.

Financial Implications


Relationship to Strategic Plans

☒ Not applicable to this report.
☐ This initiative is supported by the following priorities of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan.
• Priority: Choose an item.

Climate Considerations

☒ Not applicable to this report.
☐ This initiative supports climate change mitigation/adaption efforts in South Frontenac; and/or impacts the Township's resilience to climate change.


- Director, Corporate Services


Prepared by James Thompson, Deputy Clerk

Submitted By: Angela Maddocks, Director

Approved By: Shelley Stedall, AMCT, Acting Chief Administrative Officer

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