Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 104 commentaires et rétroaction

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David Gladders

Issue: Under the Commission proposal the population of the former Federal Riding of Kanata-Carleton would be divided into three new ridings, Kanata, Carleton and Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke.

The purposes of this submission is to ask that the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario change the boundaries for the proposed new electoral districts of Kanata and Carleton to conform to the boundaries of the City of Ottawa.

Although resident in the City of Ottawa and property taxpayers our votes would be moved into the riding of Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke.

For many Seniors on a fixed income, the proposed boundary would have Seniors in the former Kanata-Carleton moved into the proposed Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke Riding. This would disrupt the natural lines of communication and transportation for Ottawa Seniors dealing with common public issues at the municipal, provincial and federal level.

For Ottawa Seniors there are few common issues within the proposed Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke riding. Our services for public transportation, medical, hospital, diagnostic services, entertainment, food, recreation, library, and community exist within the boundaries of the City of Ottawa.

The proposed boundary excludes Seniors and members of the general population from this natural circumstance and moves us into a riding with no common interest in municipal, provincial or federal issues.

By including Seniors in the new riding of Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke we are excluded from the services of a Member of Parliament familiar with the issues facing Seniors serviced within the City of Ottawa.

Recognizing the principle of representation by population, historical commitments in the creation of Canada for members of the House of Commons and Senate illustrate the need for accommodation for citizens within geographical and common political boundaries.

Please consider my request that the boundaries of the proposed ridings of Kanata and Carleton be extended to conform to the existing boundaries of the City of Ottawa.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment with this submission.

Yours truly,

David Gladders

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