Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 110 commentaires et rétroaction

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Clayton Potts

I am writing this email regarding the redistribution of my constituency within the Federal Government. I reside in South Frontenac Township which is just north of the city of Kingston Ontario. Our current constituency is Lanark Frontenac Kingston. I understand that my area could now fall under Gananoque Brockville Kingston.

As a resident of South Frontenac I would like you to consider moving our area to Kingston and the Islands. It has never made any sense that we were in Lanark Frontenac Kingston. Currently our constituency office is in Carlton Place, It is 102 Kms away. It is an hour and twenty minute drive. I have always felt that our area has not been well represented within this constituency. Now it is being discussed that we move to Gananoque Brockville Kingston which constituency office is 103 Kms away. One hour and six minutes away. The residents of South Frontenac and Kingstonians living north of highway 401 should be redistributed to Kingston and the Islands. The Kingston Constituency is 25 kms away from my home. I am also in Kingston every day. The majority of our residents in our area work, shop and use federal services in Kingston . Our young people attend schools in the Kingston area. We share the same institutions as the residents of Kingston like the Kingston Health Science Centre , Service Canada Office. Many employees in our area work at CFB Kingston or one of the local Federal Penitentiaries. Federal changes that are made in Kingston and Islands affect residents within South Frontenac and Kingston residents north of the 401.Although many areas of responsibility and decisions fall under municipal and provincial jurisdiction some funding comes from the federal government. We need to have a voice in these matters that affect us daily and in the long term.

Please consider redistributing our area to Kingston and the Islands.

Best Regards

Clayton Potts

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