Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 114 commentaires et rétroaction

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Doug Steele

I am in favour of the proposed electoral redistribution of the Electoral Boundaries you have suggested.

As a resident of Frontenac County --Central Frontenac Township, Sharbot Lake area, I feel these changes address my longstanding contention that local, Provincial and National governments have only given a voice to those in the south of Frontenac County. The Frontenac County government has chosen to build an administrative office in another municipality --the City of Kingston. Spent over 1.5 million dollars to have their site of power in another municipality.

The #7 corridor that carries our food transport and mineral exports need to be overseen by a parliamentary representative that can take our concerns to the governments in power. This highland area has transformed from an agricultural and tourist area to what I now see as a wetland, waterfront estate homes tourist destination and water reserve for the communities downriver in the Mississippi and Rideau conservation areas. Our parliamentary members must focus on the effects not making a decision or making a wrong decision would have on our area.

We do not have the same concerns that residents of the 401 corridors with their industries, educational institutions and medical establishments.

Our area cries out for government leadership to promote public transportation, wetland preservation, senior citizens' housing and medical services.

Your proposed changes to the electoral map would focus the politician's attention on these topics whereas I believe the status quo focuses on the concerns of the 401 corridors.

Please follow through with your redistribution plan.


Doug Steele

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