Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 118 commentaires et rétroaction

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Cameron Toy

Attached is a letter containing my comment on the electoral redistribution proposal for Ontario.

Thank you for considering this comment in the redistribution process.


Cameron Toy

comment on federal electoral districts 2022 redistribution proposal for proposed gananoque- brockville - prescott riding

Dear Commission,

My comment is regarding the naming of the proposed "Gananoque - Brockville - Prescott" riding.

I note the following:

  • As of the 2021 census, the populations of Gananoque, Brockville and Prescott were 5,383, 22,116 and 4,078, respectively.
  • The Municipality of North Grenville is entirely located within this proposed riding. As per the 2021 census, the population of North Grenville was 17,964.
  • Based on the proposed name for this riding, one would assume that the riding boundary includes only the areas along the St. Lawrence River between Gananoque and Prescott; however, the boundary of the proposed riding is an irregular shape that takes a "right angle turn" towards the north away from the St. Lawrence corridor for the purpose of including North Grenville.

I suggest that, based on the points noted above, a name such as "Gananoque - Brockville - Prescott North Grenville", or even just "Gananoque - Brockville - North Grenville" would be a more appropriate name for this riding. My suggested name reflects the fact that North Grenville is the second-largest community in this proposed riding and also provides a better description of the riding based on the shape of the proposed riding boundary.

While I believe my suggestion above is a satisfactory name for the proposed riding, alternative consideration could be given to using the name Kemptville (i.e., North Grenville's largest population centre) rather than North Grenville. The population of Kemptville alone is similar to that of Prescott or Gananoque; as such, a riding name such as "Gananoque - Brockville - Prescott - Kemptville" may be appropriate for the same reasons provided above.

Thank you for considering this comment in the redistribution process.


Cameron Toy

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