Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 121 commentaires et rétroaction

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Paul Goudreau

Hello, My name is Paul Goudreau and I was born and raised in the city of Kingston. Have been here all of my life. I have worked and have retired here in the city. In my early 20's I moved to Glenburnie where I raised a family. My family and friends and acquaintances live mostly in the city too as we share the same interests.

I support and shop at locally owned businesses not down the highway an hour away.

I pay property tax to the city of Kingston, which in turn supply all emergency services such as fire, ambulance and police. The city supplies waste removal, snow removal and necessary repairs to roads that I travel.

If I wanted to see a member of parliament, I would go to Kingston, not Gan. Or Brockville or Prescott, or Perth or Ottawa, or someplace else, that has no idea what my needs are or about how I live.

With all of this being said, I believe strongly that the electoral boundaries should be brought back to the city of Kingston especially since I live only five kilometers away from.

I entrust and implore this committee to make a wiser more informed choice and listen to the people who elect you and not some bureaucrat making choices for numbers to increase the threshold of some other community that I, nor my family support.

I thank you in advance Paul.

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