Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 126 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Cynthia Johnston

I am making this submission to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario regarding our profound opposition to the proposed change for my address within the City of Kingston (i.e., 325 Kingston Mills Rd) to be included in the proposed riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott.

We (my husband and I) appreciate the intent of the redistribution process and acknowledge that changes are necessary. Yet we hope that the Commission will see that the proposed change for us will not address the concerns that are guiding the redistribution and therefore will subsequently adjust the boundaries as proposed to finally assign us to the Kingston and the Islands riding.

Please find below my specific concerns regarding the proposed redistribution:

  1. We are residents and property owners/taxpayers within the boundaries of the City of Kingston and identify with that riding in all ways that matter.
  2. We share police and fire services with Kingston.
  3. Our social, cultural, and economic activity all centres around Kingston.
  4. We have little or no relationship or interaction with Ganonoque, Brockville or Prescott.
  5. The distance from our home to the constituency office in Kingston is 10 km. (ten minutes) while the average distance to a constituency office in Gananoque, Brockville, or Prescott would be an hour's drive at 90 km.2

Again, we strongly identify with the City of Kingston and therefore feel it is logical to be included in the federal riding of Kingston and the Islands.

Thank you very much for hearing our concerns.


Cynthia Johnston

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