Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 139 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ayden John Michael Layng

I wish to write to you to inform you that as a resident of Kingston East I am beyond concerned by the idea that Kingstons East End should be in the same riding as Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville. I am very concerned by this as the daily services people in Kingston East use are in Kingston and in my daily life, I along with most people in Kingston East do not go to Gananoque, Prescott or Brockville.

Putting Kingston East in a riding with Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville would be disastrous for community identity. We have always been in Kingston and The Islands, our municipal services are provided by the same municipality as the rest of Kingston and currently, a majority of the municipality of Kingston is in Kingston and The Islands.

Kingston's economic makeup is very different from Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville and I would be concerned about how an MP who does not have first-hand experience of Kingston's economic situation would lack knowledge of issues in our local community.

Kingston East end needs to be represented by someone in Kingston as we are a part of Kingston. We are an urban-suburban area whereas Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville tend to be more rural. Simply put our identity is as Kingstonians and we should receive the same representation as other Kingstonians.


Ayden John Michael Layng

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