Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 151 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Cornelia Danism

To Whom it may concern:

The Leeds Federation of Agriculture opposes the suggested boundary change for a number of reasons. Farmers and their families in the riding of Leeds-Grenville-Thousands Island and Rideau Lakes have always had their "community of interest "where they buy their crop inputs and sell their crops. They and their families shop and get all their health, education and social needs within the ridings Towns, and Villages and the City of Brockville. This synergy has existed since the riding was first created.

Their elected representatives, no matter the political stripe know the riding and it's needs.

The Leeds County Federation of Agriculture would prefer the riding to stay the same. LCFA endorses and supports the United Counties of Leeds Grenville's submission to the commission.

After speaking with many of our members about this change they said they just wouldn't bother to vote in the changed riding and I am not sure that is the outcome we are all looking for.

The population numbers being used here are very out dated. The boom in housing development in Lanark as well as in Leeds & Grenville with even rural areas seeing a 50 to 75 % increase in housing construction going from 3 or 4 houses a year, to 25 to 30 houses in a year over the last 3 years.

Attached is a number of signatures apposing the change in our electoral boundary.

Thank You

Cornelia Danism President

Leeds County Federation of Agriculture

Contact info

Email President 613-275-2299

Secretary 613-213-2130

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