Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 156 commentaires et rétroaction

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David Mills
Margie Mills

We have lived in Kingston since the early 1980's and have run a business for 40 years. in Kingston also. We now live in the East end of Kingston north of the 401. Our area for the federal district has been included in an area in Smith Falls, Perth, South Frontenac as far as Kanata. Our travel time to Federal offices was 2 hours away. We are now being included in the federal district of Prescott, Brockville and Gananoque. This new area will put us within a 95 km travel to our Federal Office. We fail to see how a Kingston resident will be properly represented in this large area. We pay Kingston taxes have Kingston utilities and we will only be within 10 km travel to Federal office. We share police, ambulance and fire service with Kingston. All of our shopping, social entertainment and contractor services ie: plumbing, electrical etc. are within the Kingston area.

During election time we usually don't know who is running unless we do a google search. There is never any district meetings in our area and rarely do we see an election sign. I believe most candidates don't realize that we are in their area and do not canvass around here. If they don't know we exist during election time, how are we going to benefit from anything they represent. We strongly opposed to the new district and we with to be part of the Kingston and the islands.

Yours sincerely,

David and Margie Mills

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