Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 166 commentaires et rétroaction

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Ena Peck

I am writing in regards to the review of electoral boundaries re-distribution for Kingston and the Islands. I live on Sunnyside Road in Kingston, Ontario, one street north of the 401, running parallel to it. I understand that once again, our street will not be including as part of the Kingston and the Islands riding. Without wanting to be disrespectful, that seems absurd in every way.

My mailing address is Kingston, my property taxes are paid in Kingston, my garbage, recycling pick-up and snow removal are handled by Kingston, my children grew up and went to school in Kingston, my church is in Kingston, my work is in Kingston, I bank in Kingston, I attend medical appointments and procedures at the Kingston hospitals, I access Kingston police services when needed etc. I can see the 401 from my front yard facing south and I shop at Kingston stores within a 5-10 minute drive. Being on higher ground, my house actually has a view of central Kingston and I can see the city lights at night or the fireworks from downtown on long weekends if the sky is clear. When I access "local" news, it's the Kingston news station or newspaper. For traffic jams, it's Make it Home #YGK to check out an alternate route. When I head out to an entertainment or "community" event, it's Kingston that is my community. When I chat with the neighbours at our street pot-luck, we talk about Kingston people and happenings because we are "from" Kingston. In every way, my life, daily activities, expenditures and tax dollars are spent in Kingston.

I do not have any ties to Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott and none of my daily routine or interests align with this proposed new riding. These communities are, at minimum, a 30-60 minute drive away. Interestingly, I worked for the provincial election this past spring and had to drive to Prescott rather than Kingston for training and material pick-up because of my home address. So, a 45-60 minute drive to a community not my own, in order to work at the election day location on Sunnyside Road, 4 minutes down the street from me. It occurred to me, not for the first time, that it does not seem like an efficient way to organize constituents. I do not see how it could be beneficial for me to be represented by a political candidate from another community when, in every sense, my city, my community is Kingston.

While I appreciate the complexities that can come with re-organizing physical boundaries from the bird's-eye view of a distant office, I am a real person, living in a real city and that city is Kingston. It seems ironic to have to ask, but I would very much appreciate being included in my own city and have a say in the community that I live in and care about. I dare say my neighbours would feel the same way and I hope they take the time to respond accordingly.

Yours respectfully,

Ena Peck

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