Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 168 commentaires et rétroaction

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Fiona Kelly

I would like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the deficiencies in current boundaries and the failure of the proposed changes to address these issues. Whilst I appreciate that representation requires a reasonably comparable relationship between representatives and the number of electors, it must also reflect a meaningful relationship between the two. I would draw your attention to the glaring inconsistencies that occur for many residents of Kingston who live north of the 401.

Some of the following seem desirable in the interaction between elector and representative; police and fire service, residence, employment, educational facilities and social life. My partner and I live within the City of Kingston. We pay property taxes to the City, our fire and police services are provided by the City, we both work in Kingston and our daughter is educated in Kingston. Furthermore, our social life and spending occur in Kingston. And yet, we are represented by an MPP with an office much distant from our home who's electorate largely has different expectations and needs from the Provincial Government. The proposed boundary changes do nothing to address this. I live in Kingston. I have visited Brockville meaningfully on a handful of occasions in twenty years, and yet my MPP's office and the riding it supports is largely aligned with Brockville.

We live in a world where voter turnouts are decreasing and where engagement in traditional political processes is being replaced by the vagaries of social media. If the electoral process is to remain meaningful, it must also be relevant. I have recognised the importance of voting throughout my adult life, whether I expect my chosen candidate to be successful or not. However, if the system cannot provide a ballot that is relevant to any aspect of my life, why should I remain engaged in the democratic process? Please institute a boundary change that allows residents of Kingston who reside north of the 401 to cast a vote that is relevant to their lives.

Fiona Kelly

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