Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 176 commentaires et rétroaction

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Gord Taylor

Thank you for the opportunity to comment. (While I cannot point to a better system of which I am aware, the on-line tool is "brutal" and I have abandoned it more than once, frustrated by how cumbersome and time consuming it is.)

My request is that all of the City of Kingston be included in Kingston and the Islands, which I have copied from the on line tool below. We have languished on the remote periphery of that a Perth/ Smiths Fall On riding in the last redistricting, and this proposal is no better being drawn into a St. Lawrence River riding with which we do not identify. We reside north of Highway 401 in the City of Kingston municipality. It is our community.

We are residents of Kingston, were historically in Kingston and the Islands and respectfully request that we be "drawn back in " in this redistricting.


Gord Taylor

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