Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 181 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jack Walker

I have lived in Kingston since 1950, I know the area well and the people who we have the chance to vote for from the area. In the previous redistribution you shoved us (in the area north of 401 Hwy. but still Kingstonians) into an area with its home base in Carlton Place. An area were we knew nothing of the candidates for office or what their platforms where, plus an hour and a half's drive to their constituency office for any help. Now you wish to treat us like a football and kick us to another jurisdiction centered in Brockville, an hours drive away for any face to face help. Why can't we rejoin Kingston and the Islands, our home? We are not just numbers to be kicked around, we live in Kingston, our taxes are paid to Kingston, our police force is Kingston, our cultural and social life is Kingston based. I wish to still have the opportunity to vote for someone I may know something about not just closing my eye's and marking an "X" at random on a ballot slip, we are people not just numbers, or a group of numbers you can shift around to balance your electoral balance sheet.

What may seem logical to you, looking at numbers, may look idiotic to us living with your decisions.

Thank You,

Jack Walker

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