Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 186 commentaires et rétroaction

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Janice Baker-Milne
Harvey Milne

I'm a resident of Kingston Ontario and live north of Hwy 401. I understand that the federal government is looking to change the electoral boundary to a proposed riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott. What??? On what grounds is this decision being made?

My kingston location accepts my property taxes that are paid to the City of Kingston not Gananoque, Brockville or Prescott.

We share police and fire services with Kingston which my husband has proudly served on for many years!

Our social, cultural and economic activities centers around Kingston as we are members of Cataraqui Golf and CC and members of the new Kingston Pickleball Center.

And given the distance to our constituency office is ruffly 10 km to Kingston versus at lease 90 km to Brockville.

please I'm begging someone to listen to us residents to put an end to this ridiculous idea as we are happy to belong to the City of Kingston.

I look forward to hearing from you that this "idea" has been removed from consideration.

Janice Baker-Milne and Harvey Milne

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