Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 188 commentaires et rétroaction

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Sarah Ruta

I am a tax-payer for the city of Kingston and happen to live just a few minutes North of Kingston. Yet, because of the location of our house, we feel like we're not fairly represented by our elected officials, who at this point happen to be somewhere North of us closer to Perth. Yet again, our location is being tossed around for redistribution it appears, and it is thought that we will be represented by elected officials closer to the Gananoque/Brockville or Prescott area.

We feel like this is totally inadequate. When big decisions are made, we feel like we've been left behind in the past, and will continue to be left behind, as we happen to be that little voters clump just North of Kingston (basically Kingstonians) that may not fit with elected officials' priorities 45 minutes North or West of us, wherever we end up after our votes get bounced around to next election cycle.

For example, we've been passed up for high-speed internet, and there is a perfectly adequate high-speed internet line that passes right by us literally 50 feet from people's properties. But no one can be bothered to spend a little bit of budget to get that line down our road. I mean I get it...why would MP's, MPP's and councillors in Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes care about giving us adequate internet (and no, what we have now is far from adequate) as they've been busy catering to their many surrounding rural communities. And so, many small communities have seen substantial investments towards their high-speed internet, but not us with a Fibe line running right by our houses with no investment in sight. Very unfair to say the least.

And so we ask you to please redistribute with us in mind and attach our votes to the city of Kingston. Interests of constituents should be of higher priority rather than ensuring boundaries have even amounts of votes from one boundary to the next. We pay taxes to the city of Kingston, and we have every right to be represented fairly by this city whom we pay our tax dollars to, and their elected officials. We truly believe that we would be much better served by the elected officials from Kingston and the Islands.

Best Regards,
Jean-François and Sarah Ruta

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