Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 189 commentaires et rétroaction

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Jeannie Smith

In regards to the proposed name change of Glengarry Prescott Russell:

My family arrived in Cumberland Township in 1861 and lived on Lot 14 Conc. 1 OS in Cumberland Village where I still live. My greatgrandfather, Dr. James Ferguson was physician and coroner in Prescott-Russell and served the area from 1861-1921. My husband's family arrived in 1815.

Now that the electoral boundary name is being changed, with Glengarry being removed from Glengarry, Prescott Russell, I encourage you to consider that the name Cumberland replace Glengarry. Cumberland Prescott Russell

Cumberland Township was named in 1793, settlers arriving in 1801 and their ancestors are proud to still live in the area. Since the amalgamation of the City of Ottawa in 1999-2000 Cumberland has been absorbed into the city and is completely forgotten.

Now with Ottawa reallocating municipal ward boundaries due to increased population, Cumberland Township has been divided into three wards, Orléans-Cumberland, Orléans-Navan and Osgoode. Cumberland will once again be absorbed and the name will be lost.

Please seriously consider adding 'Cumberland' to Prescott-Russell, when you make the name change. Thank you....Jeannie Smith

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