Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 193 commentaires et rétroaction

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Joanna Crandell

I just found out there is a proposal to move the federal riding boundaries in my area so I would be part of a riding that includes Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville but not Kingston.

I live east of the Cataraqui River which is currently part of the federal Kingston and the Islands riding. I also live north of CFB Kingston and many of my neighbours are military or work for Corrections Canada. Military members and Corrections Canada employees live all over the Kingston region. My husband was military and both serving and retired military members as well as current and retired Corrections employees need an MP who can focus on their issues.

I occasionally drive by Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville on the 401 but I have nothing in common with their residents and am not affected by their specific issues. I am a resident of Kingston and I identify with Kingston primarily.

So, for the record, I am not in agreement at all with this proposed redistribution of the riding boundaries. Please feel free to include my full name and comments on your website.

Joanna Crandell

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