Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 201 commentaires et rétroaction

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Karen Boese

I am writing to express my disapproval of having the area that I live in, Glenburnie, included in the new proposed riding of Gananoque-Brockville-Prescott. We should definitely be included back in the Kingston and the Islands federal riding boundary. It seems completely illogical to group us into an area that we are in no way connected to proximally, socially, culturally, or economically. All of my shopping, medical, and dental outings take place in Kingston. My police and fire services are shared with Kingston and I pay property taxes to the City of Kingston. Therefore, all of the concerns I have should be directed to the services and organizations that are responsible for my day-to-day issues. I feel that since my taxes are paid to the City of Kingston, I have a right to be represented by the area that I help to pay for. Also, it would definitely be an equity issue to have to travel 90 km to the constituency office in Brockville, when there is an option that is only 10 km away in Kingston. I am in my sixties and I am looking to the future where my income and my mobility could certainly impact my ability to travel 90 km to access my constituency office, which should be my right, especially given that the one in Kingston would be a much more suitable option. This is also a concern for people who might be socioeconomically disadvantaged. Having to travel a greater distance to access the support of our representative, limits who has access to that support, often those who need it the most. Please include Glenburnie in the Kingston and the Islands federal riding boundary where it only makes sense that it should be.

Kind regards,
Dr. Karen Boese

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