Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 203 commentaires et rétroaction

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Karen Fournier

I live minutes north of the 401 highway.

Currently I am located in the district of Lanark, Frontenac, Kingston, I have never had anyone knock on my door nor do we even get posters or lawn signs. If you drive around my neighbourhood, you wouldn't even know that there was an election underway.

Moving us to the district of Gananoque, Brockville Prescott will be the same, nobody will even acknowledge us.

My life centres around the City of Kingston. I worked there, I shop there, I pay taxes there, I live there. and I know about the candidates that are running there.

If there is to be a Redistribution of districts, please move us to Kingston and the Islands.

Thank you for your consideration

Karen Fournier

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