Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 205 commentaires et rétroaction

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Retour aux commentaires et rétroaction du public

Kathy Burke

It has very recently come to my attention yesterday that October 29 was the last opportunity to make comment on a proposal put forward by the Commission that the entire geographic area of Kingston East, in which we live, be incorporated into a federal riding that includes Gananoque, Prescott, and Brockville. I knew nothing of this proposal until this late date and strongly disagree with it for the following reasons:

  1. My area, Pittsbugh Township, was amalgamated with the City of Kingston in 1997. Prior to that, the area and its residents were always, by location, naturally, socially, and historically very closely associated with Kingston. Since amalgamation we are now completely integrated as a community;
  2. We have nothing in common with Gananoque, Prescott and Brockville. We wouldn't even know or have contact with any person from that area who would presume to represent us;
  3. I feel that this proposal has not been before us in a timely manner to allow people to become acquainted with what has been proposed and to express their feelings;
  4. Why has the Commission's not budgeted sufficiently to contact the community involved to canvass their opinion? Or does that not matter?;
  5. Looking on your website this morning, there was no public meeting scheduled for this area considering the affect this could have on residents and the community; this does not fit well with democratic process.

Again, I strongly disagree with this proposal and I consent to having my full name and comments posted on the Electoral Boundary commission's website.

Very Sincerely,
Kathy Burke

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