Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 206 commentaires et rétroaction

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Katsue Reeve
Bill Reeve

My husband and I would like to be included in the electoral boundary of the Kingston and the Islands district since we pay taxes to the City of Kingston. We own two rental properties in Kingston (and pay the taxes for those properties), we do all our economic, cultural and social activities in Kingston area and we receive police, fire and health services from the City of Kingston.

Frankly, we seldom go outside of the city boundary and have no common interests with our north and east neighbouring areas of the proposed electoral boundary to which we are supposed to belong.

My husband I used to be quite active, supporting our political representatives at the provincial and federal levels but now because our representatives and their offices are so far away from where we live, we have almost completely withdrawn from any participation since our electoral boundary changed the last time.

We hope you will consider the wishes of residents who actually do live in the City of Kingston so that they may be included in the electoral boundary of the Kingston and the Islands district.


Katsue and Bill Reeve

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