Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 208 commentaires et rétroaction

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Kenton Shanks

I am Kenton Shanks living at XXXXXX, Kingston. I am not happy with the set up how the ridings are laid out. I understand you are going to change us to the Brockville and Prescot which is no better than where we are now Smith Falls and Perth. I live just over the 401 (2km), pay my taxes to Kingston, but have no say what goes on here. Smith Falls and Perth or Brockville and Prescot don't care what we think or do. I would like to be in the Kingston and Island. Being in Kingston and Island give me a chance to have my say and if I want to see member of parliament I do not have to drive and hour to see them. Thank you for your time.

Your sincerely

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