Redécoupage des circonscriptions fédérales de 2022

Commentaire 229 commentaires et rétroaction

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Mark Hitchcock
Mary Hitchcock

We are writing in response to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario decision to include our location at XXXXXXX, Kingston Ontario in the Brockville/Prescot riding, which is 85km distance from our home. Prior to this action, we were included in the Smiths Falls/Perth riding, which was 110 km distance from our home.

We are completely serviced by the City of Kingston and pay taxes in this municipality. Any and all decisions made by the City of Kingston directly affect us professionally and personally. From garbage collection, property assessment, road maintenance, ambulance/fire/police services, necessary permits required for home improvements, etc.... the list could go on and on. Our taxes help assist in providing funding for all these services because this is the community we reside in and are deeply committed to. However, we are not afforded the opportunity to utilize our legal right to vote for the leaders who will decide how and where our tax dollars are being spent.

The decision to exclude anyone living north of Hwy 401 who are listed on the City of Kingston tax rolls from voting in the City of Kingston but instead are asked to vote for elected officials in the Brockville/Prescot riding (where we have no vested interest, do not live/work/contribute to that community and would reap no benefit from anyone in an elected position in that area regardless of their capabilities) is completely unfair and show a total disregard for the Kingston taxpayers. If we have an issue in our area we would be contacting someone in Kingston for assistance...not Brockville because they have no jurisdiction in our area. We would also like to ask what was the deciding factor in this decision, which to us makes absolutely no sense!!!!

We are asking that common sense prevail and anyone serviced by the City of Kingston vote in the Kingston Riding.

Instead of looking at a map, look at the tax rolls.

Thank you for considering our request.

Mark and Mary Hitchcock

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